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Last update:
January 07, 2025, 12:56


Victoria Anne CATON


For outstanding devotion to duty in the field of Defence nursing and personnel support.



The RAAMC Association congratulates all recipients in this year's 2018 Ausrtralia Day Honours List.

With a special Congratulations going to a few of our own people.


Companion (AC) in the General Division

MAJGEN Jeffery Rosenfeld AM OBE


Medal (OAMof the Order Of Australia

Major John Wilsen

WO1 Kym Felingham NSC

Mr Terence Irvine

Mr Theo Dechaufepie

Congratulations one and all 

The RAAMC Association congratulats all recipients in this year's 2017 Queen's Birthday Honours List.

With a special Conratulations going to a few of our own people.
Medal (OAM) of the Order Of Australia

Warrant Officer Class One Nathan HOLDFORTH 

Mr Robert John PINK OAM (Mil), Life Member 5 FD AMB Association

Mr Darryl William RICE, RAAMC Member



Lieutenant Colonel Roger James HOLMES, NSW
For outstanding devotion to duty in the support and recovery of wounded, injured and ill members of the Australian Defence Force.

Lieutenant Colonel Holmes' outstanding dedication to the health and wellbeing of wounded, injured and ill service personnel has been exemplary and critical to the success of two key Australian Defence Force initiatives. His genuine care and support for others has distinguished him as he enabled critical health support for the Australian Defence Force Theatre Project and the Australian Defence Force Arts for Recovery, Resilience, Teamwork and Skills Program. His extraordinary contribution has made a positive and enduring impact on the wellbeing of individuals. 

Congratulations one and all.















Humanitarian Ops


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