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February 05, 2025, 12:30


Honours List



The RAAMC and HSC Association Incorporated Congratulates all recipients in this year's (2025) Australia Day Honour's List


Australia Day 2024

The RAAMC and HSC Association Incorporated Congratulates all recipients in this year's (2024) Australia Day Honour's List.


Glendon (Glen) Betts Farrow OAM  for service to military medicine and patient safety.


Brian Patrick Victor PezzuttiAMCSCRFD (Italian: [petˈtsutti]; born 6 January 1947) is a former Australian politician and Australian Army officer. Born in CasinoNew South Wales, he was the son of Victor Dominic Pezzutti and Helena Hilda Bazzo. He was an army reservist in 1965 and later became active in the armed forces; he received the National Medal in 1978. On 23 February 1976 he married Christine Jillian Spence, with whom he has two daughters and two sons.[1]

Pezzutti was trained as a medical practitioner and is a specialist anaesthetist. He joined the Liberal Party and was the foundation president of the LismoreBranch, serving from 1983 until 1990. He has been vice-president since this time. In 1988, he was elected to the New South Wales Legislative Council, on which he served until his retirement in 2003. While an MLC, he served in the Gulf War (1991), Bougainville (1995, 1998) and East Timor (1999). He was also Brigadier Assistant Surgeon General of the Australian Defence Forcesfrom 2000 to 2004.[1]. Member of the Defence Force 1965-2017.



The RAAMC and HSC Association Incorporated Congratulates all recipients in this year's (2023) Kings Birthday Honour's List.

With Special Congratulations to our own members and Health Service members:

OAM in the Military  Division

WO1 Carryn Eustace

For meritor service as RSM of the 3 Health Support Bn,1 CloseHealth Bn and 1 Health Bn, and as the senior instructor, warrant Officer Training Team, WarrantOfficer and Non Commissioned Officer Academy.

Conspicuous Service Medal (CSM)

Lt-Col Scott Fletcher 

For merit achievement as the Regimental Medical Officer at SASR.



The RAAMC and HSC Association Incorporated Congratulates all recipients in this year's (2022) Queen's Birthday Honour's List.

With Special Congratulations to our own members and Health Service members:


Warrant Officer Class One Kirstin Arina TANNER
For meritorious service as the Company Sergeant Major 11th Close Heath Company, and as the Regimental Sergeant Major of the 1st Close Health Battalion and the 1st Combat Service Support Battalion.
Warrant Officer Tanner displayed exceptional commitment, professionalism and leadership in regimental appointments within Army's close health and combat service support capabilities over many years. She consistently demonstrated outstanding commitment, competence, initiative and leadership in all aspects of her duties. Her sustained meritorious service has positively impacted soldiers, improving retention of critical close health and combat service support capabilities within Forces Command.

 Conspicuous Service Cross (CSC)

Lt-Col Kelly Dunne
For outstanding achievement as the Staff Officer Grade One Health Workforce, Capability and Training in the Directorate of Army Health


Australia Day 2021

The RAAMC and HSC Association Incorporated Congratulates all recipients in this year's (2021) Australia Day Honour's List.


Captain Blake-Waller

For outstanding achievement as a Nursing Officer deployed with Joint Task Unit 629.2.3 Health Support Unit 1 during Operation COVID-19 ASSIST.

Captain Blake-Waller's meritorious achievement as a Nursing Officer delivered lifesaving care to vulnerable Australians at the Epping Gardens Aged Care Facility during Operation COVID- 19 ASSIST. Her exemplary and selfless leadership established control of a highly contaminated environment in dire circumstances. Her compassion and devotion to duty delivered outstanding support during Victoria's second wave and contributed to the community's confidence in the State Government's response.

Lieutenant Colonel Damon Carl HIGGINBOTHAM

For outstanding achievement as Commanding Officer Health Support Unit 1 deployed to Victoria during Operation COVID-19 ASSIST.
Lieutenant Colonel Higginbotham's outstanding leadership delivered an immediate impact to plan and execute safe medical interventions and coronavirus containment. He commanded and managed specialist clinical teams to support the Victoria Government's COVID-19 testing strategy that enabled a rapid capability expansion. His response to deliver urgent, coordinated support to the degraded health situation of the aged care residential centres saved lives, imbued community confidence and enhanced the Australian Defence Force's reputation.

Queen's Birthday 14th June 2021

The RAAMC and HSC Association Incorporated Congratulates all recipients in this year's (2021) Queen's Birthday Honour's List.

With Special Congratulations to our own members and Health Service members:


Lieutenant Colonel Peta MANTEL

For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force in the fields of medical intelligence, health leadership, and epidemiology and disease surveillance. 

Lieutenant Colonel Mantel is a professional of exceptional skill who made superb contributions in medical intelligence, health leadership, and pandemic preparedness. Her internationally recognised work in epidemiology supported Australia's whole of Government and Five Eyes' efforts in managing the Ebola and Zika virus outbreaks; whilst her sage advice on mitigation strategies for the coronavirus pandemic to Australia's Chief Medical Officer and the Health Protection Principal Committee shaped national policy in a number of key areas such as border controls and travel bubbles.  


Mr David Joseph CZERKIES, Pemulwuy NSW 2145

For service to the community through St John Ambulance.

St John Ambulance Australia (NSW)

  •   Staff Officer, current.

  •   Training Development Officer, 2013-2015.

  •   Contingent Commander, Flood Relief, Queensland, (1 month), 2011.

  •   Emergency Management Officer, 2011-2015.

  •   Staff Officer, Education, 2008-2011.

  •   Divisional Officer In Charge, Parramatta Division, 1984.

  •   Adult Service, 1973-1976.

  •   Cadet, 1969.


  •   Medical Technician, Australian Army, 1976-2002.

  •   President, New South Wales Branch, Royal Australian Army Medical Corps and

    Health Service Corps Association, since 2016.

    Awards and recognition includes:

  •   Commander, Order of St John of Jerusalem, 2019.

  •   Service Medal, St John Ambulance Australia, (4 clasps). 

Warrant Officer Class One Virginia Lee Ann MORRIS

For meritorious performance of duty as the Regimental Sergeant Major of 2nd General Health Battalion and 7th Combat Service Support Battalion.

Colonel Susan Kaye WINTER CSC

For meritorious service as a specialist anaesthetist and intensivist on multiple overseas deployments and specialist medical advisor to the 2nd General Health Battalion, 3rd Health Support Battalion and Army Health Services.

Through her sustained meritorious service, Colonel Winter has enhanced the quality of medical care provided to patients in deployed Australian and coalition health facilities. She has personally saved the lives of critically ill Australian and coalition service members and will continue to do so by inspiring, teaching and mentoring Defence clinicians. Colonel Winter has substantially advanced the proficiency and readiness of individual Army clinicians and Army's deployable health facilities through her expert input to clinical capability, governance and future health planning activities. 



Lieutenant Colonel Stuart James BALDWINSON

For outstanding devotion to duty as the Commanding Officer/Chief Instructor of the Army School of Health.

Lieutenant Colonel Baldwinson's commitment, innovation and initiative underpinned the transformation and modernisation of health training at the Army School of Health. His outstanding leadership and foresight to innovate health training ensured the Australian Defence Force was well positioned to provide medical and health support to the Government's COVID-19 response.

Lieutenant Colonel Gregory Richard Brown NSC

For outstanding achievement as the Officer-In-Charge of the Health Certification Team of the 3rd Health Support Battalion.


Lieutenant Colonel Brown has displayed outstanding devotion to duty by expanding the health certification capability of this unit to enable the certification of the 1st Close Health Battalion and all three of the Australian Defence Forces deployable hospitals in 2019. His conspicuous achievements over years of devoted service have directly enhanced the Army's deployable health capability and are testament to his outstanding professionalism, clinical acumen and leadership. 



Mr Peter James CRIBBS, Shell Cove NSW 2529
Mr Peter Cribbs joined NSW Ambulance in 1981 and qualified as a member of the Special Casualty Access Team (SCAT). 

He was one of two first NSW Ambulance paramedic responders to the first Bali bombing. He worked with a doctor to retrieve 25 injured persons and accompanied them on a Qantas repatriation flight to Australia, triaging and treating patients mid-air for the entire flight.

He was the primary responder to other emergencies including the Lake Cargelligo water tower collapse, the Jamberoo bus crash, the Brooklyn rail disaster, the 1993 Linden bus accident, the 1997 Thredbo landslide, and the 2006 Indonesian earthquake disaster. He was the only paramedic member of the Australian Medical Team responding to the Yogjakarta region, working under the umbrella of an active volcano with many aftershocks following the initial earthquake.

He was also a SCAT team leader for the Special Operations Team during the Victorian Bushfires 2009, and again at the Christchurch earthquake in 2011, both searching for, and treating, survivors.

He was key to introducing the MIST reporting system and Code 3 (doctor/team to meet the ambulance on arrival at hospital) by introducing ambulance radios to emergency departments and writing the definition of a Code 3 and MIST for NSW Ambulance and hospital emergency departments. He also initiated and evaluated the stretcher policy trialled at Liverpool Hospital which lead to the introduction of the Ambulance Release Teams, and he designed and wrote the first electronic rosters for NSW Ambulance.

Mr Cribbs has provided dedicated and committed service to NSW Ambulance, and to the wider community, throughout his more than 40 year career. 



Lieutenant Colonel Anna Reinhardt, Commanding Officer 2nd General Health Battalion, has been awarded the Commendation for Distinguished Service for her dedication and professionalism during work in warlike operations during Operation HIGHROAD.



Australia Day 2021

The RAAMC and HSC Association Incorporated Congratulates all recipients in this year's (2021) Australia Day Honour's List.

With a special Congratulations to Lt COL Sara Jayne Molloy




Lieutenant Colonel Molloy made an outstanding contribution in the development and execution of Human Performance Program for both North Queensland and the Australian Army. Her outstanding leadership, interpersonal skill and expertise provided a holistic approach to improving cognitive and physical performance while reducing physical injuries and increasing resilience. The positive long-term effects on soldiers and their physical and mental well-being will be an exceptional force multiplier for Army in the coming years. 


Queen's Birthday Honour's List June 2020

 The RAAMC and HSC Association Incorporated Congratulates all recipients in this year's (2020) Queen's Birthday Honour's List.


Colonel Steven Raymond GAUNT

For exceptional service as Commanding Officer of the 13th Combat Service Support Battalion, Senior Medical Officer, and Deputy Commander of the 13th Brigade 


Brigadier Isaac Alexander Gregory SEIDL

For exceptional service to the Australian Defence Force in health executive leadership. 

Dr Laurie Scott WARFE

Woorarra West VIC 3960
For service to medicine, and to the community. 

Warrant Officer Class One Michael Stephen CLARKE

For meritorious performance of duty as a Regimental Sergeant Major in the Australian Army. 



Australia Day 2020

The RAAMC and HSC Association Incorporated Congratulates all recipients in this year's (2020) Australia Day Honour's List.



The RAAMC Association Congratulates all recipients in this year's (2019) Queen's Birthday Honours List.

With a special Congratulations going out to BRIG Michael Charles Reade


For exceptional performance of duty as the Director of Clinical Services of the 2nd General Health Battalion and Professor for Military Medicine and Surgery. 


The RAAMC Association congratulates all recipients in this year's 2019 Ausrtralia Day Honours List.

With a special Congratulations going to a couple of our own people.

Colonel Andrew Michael WILLIAMS

For exceptional service as the Senior Health Officer Special Operations Command, Director Future Health Capability, Commanding Officer 2nd General Health Battalion and Director Army Health

Conspicuous Service Cross (CSC) 

Victoria Anne Caton


For outstanding devotion to duty in the field of Defence nursing and personnel support.

Louise Ann Martin


For outstanding achievement as the Commanding Officer of the 2nd General Health Battalion.

The RAAMC Association congratulates all recipients in this year's 2018 Ausrtralia Day Honours List.

With a special Congratulations going to a few of our own people.


Companion (AC) in the General Division

MAJGEN Jeffery Rosenfeld AM OBE


Medal (OAMof the Order Of Australia

Major John Wilsen

WO1 Kym Felingham NSC

Mr Terence Irvine

Mr Theo Dechaufepie

Congratulations one and all 





44763 WO2 Bruce Stephen Watts 21 Jan 1951 - 31 Jan 2025

Bruce served in a number of RAAMC Units and servi in South Vietnam with the 1st Australian Field Hospital from 21 Jan 1971 -  16 Dec 1971.

Bruce finally succumbed after a long battle with his illness.

Our Sincere Sympathy and condolences go to Bruce's wife, family and friends.


Bruce's funeral details will be posted once received.


Will be on Friday, 7 February at 12 noon at the Ryan Community Centre Morindo drive Kirwan, Townsville.
The funeral Directors are Morleys Townsville 07 47794744  It will be live streamed via Morley's Funerals Website under Current Funerals/Streaming

May Bruce Rest in Peace.













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