On behalf of the National Committee I would like to publicly thank Mr Terry Fage for his hard work in rebuilding our Website, Terry has worked on the site everyday since he was approached by Bat Andrews to help us.(Thank you Bat)
Terry, thank you for your assistance and hard work I know you are not finished yet as there is still some tutoring for our State and Unit web Coordinators.
I'm sure our members will be pleased to see our Website back up and running.
comments: 6
On behalf of the National Committee I would like to publicly thank Mr Terry Fage for his hard work in rebuilding our Website, Terry has worked on the site everyday since he was approached by Bat Andrews to help us.(Thank you Bat)
Terry, thank you for your assistance and hard work I know you are not finished yet as there is still some tutoring for our State and Unit web Coordinators.
I'm sure our members will be pleased to see our Website back up and running.
Theo Dechaufepie
Stand in National President
First post