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Last update:
October 27, 2022, 21:48

NB: Covid -19 Restrictions may affect our dates!




Dear Members,
My apologies in the lateness of the above newsletter being sent out. Since it was written there has been a number of things that have happened. Firstly, our secretary Greg Cant has taken a severe fall and broken his femur. The femur has been pin and plated with Greg now in Rehab care  undergoing rehab treatment. Unfortunately, this information only come to light in past week, via text. And therefore, I am now sending this newsletter out.

Secondly – long-time member of the association meetings, COL Ray Hyslop – patron of 5 Field Ambulance passed away last Monday after a long stint after a stroke. His funeral being on Friday 2 Sep 22, 11.30 am Camellia Chapel Macquarie Park Cemetery/Crematorium.

And lastly, the secretary for 5 Field Ambulance Association has been hospitalised after a fall that has resulted in him suffering spinal damage to his neck with C2/3 fractures. Therefore it has been an eventful week.



D. Czerkies OAM, CStJ


RAAMC  & HSC Association (NSW) Inc.

5 Field Ambulance Association





RAAMC & HSCA Inc Notices for 2022

* The NSW Branch of the RAAMCHSC Assn Inc. will only hold ONE meeting per year. This will be the AGM. If more meetings are necessary, you will be notified.

If you were, or are still, a member of a RAAMC unit and would like to join the Association (IT IS FREE), please contact either of the below contacts for an Application Form.

Please contact the President, MAJ David Czerkies (0428.425.143) or the Secretary, Greg Cant (0420.875.575) .if you would like to attend. You are most welcome to join us for Lunch, in the club, after the meeting.



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VALE - 2022

 Jim ZORBAS 21st March

FLT Stuart DOYLE 22nd April

COL Ray HYSLOP OAM RFD 22nd August




 # To our ADF members from 1/5 Health Company, both ARA and Reservists, for their ongoing deployments and efforts in the Covid-19 pandemic, Bushfires and Flood assistance. Our Association is proud of you all.

 # To Alan and Ruth Curry who celebrated their 65th Wedding Anniversary on the 8th February.


 WELCOME to NEW  members during 2022:-


 Cameron POWELL


Coming EVENTS for 2022

Battle For Australia Ceremony. WEDNESDAY 7th September. Martin Place Sydney at 11am.

DRESS: Lounge Suit, Nedals, Beret and Name Badge.


 REUNION LUNCHEON will be held at Club Parramatta (Parramatta RSL), 2 Macquarie St, Parramatta (5 minute's walk from the railway station). It will be Saturday 26th November and costs will be at members own expense. 

Members and partners and your friends are most welcome to attend from about 11.30am to about 3pm. 

Dress is neat casual.

RSVP to Ann Jackson (0407236724) or David Czerkies  (0428425143) one week prior to the event date.



Do you know any Organisation which may be interested in placing their 'Ad' in our magazine? Please contact  Ann (0407236724so that she might contact them of our very affordable costs for a Full Page (A4), or 1/2 or 1/4 page for 12 MONTHS and will be inserted in our 4 quarterly issues.


* We are now on "FACEBOOK" and we thank our committee member, Ann Jackson, for starting this off. We invite all our members, who have a computer with the internet, to 'log on' to us and have a say and let us know what you think?! (Thank you Ann.)

Facebook Group  you need to request to join the group.

You can also 'click' on to General Updates and view our current (and past) magazines.


* Would you like to purchase a past copy of our magazine (while they last)? $7 per copy (includes postage). Contact Ann (0407236724)


* Our current (and previous) Quarterly Newsletters are now on our 'site'.


 * We have produced a "SPECIAL Limited Edition" 2015 Commemorative Calendar.

These wonderful "Keepsakes" are still available to purchase @ $7  each (Incl Postage).


* Our Centenary DVD's are now available ($20 each-incl postage). This DVD is a wonderful memento of the Queens Park (Sydney) Centenary Parade.

* We have a limited number of Centenary "POLO" Shirts, with pocket ($70). Let me know your size. The payment details for any of the above is listed below.

Your purchases will greatly assist our finances.

(You may pay by cheque or Money Order to; "5 Field Ambulance Association" and post to either Ann JACKSON, Hon Treasurer, 64 Morris St., ST MARYS NSW 2760, If you would like to pay by a Direct Deposit, our banking details are; BSB:637000, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 717253825, ACCOUNT NAME: 5 Field Ambulance Association, BANK: Greater. (Please identify yourself). Our committee sincerely thanks you in advance.


Join Us

Have you submitted your Application Form to join our Association ($15 per year or LIFE MEMBERSHIP $100) and/or the RAAMC Association Inc.? (This is FREE). If not, please do so. You may pay by cheque or Money Order to; "5 Field Ambulance Association" and post to either Ann JACKSON, Hon Treasurer, 64 Morris St., ST MARYS NSW 2760 (0407236724) If you would like to pay by a Direct Deposit, our banking details are; BSB:637000, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 717253825, ACCOUNT NAME: 5 Field Ambulance Association, BANK: Greater. (Please identify yourself).

A form is included in each of our quarterly magazines.



We have had donated a number of "Bumper Stickers" (25cm X 6cm) for $5 each (posted) or $7 for two, $9 for three, $11 for four. If you would like any please contact Ann (0407236724)


Resume of History


 RESUME’ OF HISTORY  1915-to present



  • C.W.Bean-Official history of Australia in World War 1.
  • Lloyd Tann 1987. 2/5th Field Ambulance.A.I.F. 1940-1945.
  • Major John de Witt ED (RL) – Post 2nd World War. (Dec.)
  • Alan Curry OAM (Hon Sect-1990-current)

 1. At the outbreak of war on August 14,1914 the Australian Army had only one Medical Officer,the Surgeon General W.D.C. Williams (later Sir W.D.C. Williams, KCMG CB) who died of illness in 1919. Medical Officers for the Army were drawn from Officers of the Citizen Army and such civilians who volunteered.

2. 5th Field Ambulance was raised on the 16th March 1915 when A and B Sections were formed at Liverpool NSW. The Unit was brought up to strength by the addition of C Section and the Field Ambulance was moved to Queens Park, Waverely NSW.

3. The main body of the Unit embarked for EGYPT on the 25th of June 1915. The Unit served with distinction in EGYPT,GALLIPOLI and FRANCE. On the nights 19/20/21 August 1915, 5 Brigade landed, as reinforcements, on Gallipoli—5th Field Ambulance landed with them as medical support for the 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th Battalions of the Brigade.

Following the withdrawal from GALLIPOLI, the Brigade re-grouped in EGYPT before departing for the Western Front in early 1916.

The following battle areas were attended; (In alphabetical order, for reference purposes); ALBERT (1918), AMIENS (8th August 1918), BAPAUME (1917), BEAUREVOIR, BROODSEINDE, BULLECOURT (3-4 May 1917), DERNANCOURT, FRANCE & FLANDERS (1916-1918), HAMEL, HINDENBERG LINE, MENIN ROAD (20-22 September 1917), MONTBREHAIN (3rd October 1918), MONT ST QUENTIN (31st August 1918), POELOAPPELE (Belgium-9th-19th October 1917), PASSCHENDAELE, POLYGON WOOD, POZIERS (25th July 1916-5th August 1916), SOMME (1916-1918), VILLIERS-BRETONNEAUX and YPRES (1917).

4. The Unit won the following Honours and Decorations:- 1 DSO, 2 DCM, 1 MM and Bar, 37 MM’s.

5. The Unit was disbanded in England in 1919.

6. 5th Field Ambulance was re-raised as a Militia Unit in 1921 with 14 Field Ambulance at the Addison Rd., Marrickville Training Depot. Each Unit had a large percentage of men from the NSW Tramway and Omnibus First Aid. They mainly came from the Newtown and Waverley Depots.

7. At the outbreak of war in 1939 the Unit formed a Camp Dressing Station, which was disbanded and became 2 Camp Hospital (and later 2 Military Hospital—at Ingleburn)

8. The 2/5th Australian Field Ambulance was raised in Victoria in 1940 and embarked for TOBRUK in January 1941.

9. This Unit served in EGYPT, SYRIA, NEW GUINEA and BORNEO. It won 1 DCM, 1 MBE, 1 MM and 4 MID’s

10. 5th Field Ambulance was again raised as a C.M.F. Unit in April 1948, at “P” Block Victoria Barracks.

11. Lt.Col. Reg Wherrett was appointed C.O. (he was one of the few Medical Officers during the war who qualified at a Staff College).

12. 2 IC was Major Tom Ritchie (of Middle East fame).

13. QM was Capt.Ron Henschell.

14. Adjt. was Capt.Syl Timbs. Some of the original MO’s were Capt. David Madison, (later to become Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Newcastle Uni and consultant Psychiatrist at AHQ, attended 2 District Court Marshall’s in VIETNAM to give evidence.

15. Capt. Terry Horne (don’t call me “stiffy”) later FRCS and FRACS, ADMS Tasmania Command and did a Tour of Duty with the Field Hospital SVN. There was no ARA Adjutant in those days.

16. The first ARA Cadre was WO 2 Frank Garnham, AMC PMF pre war and Cpl. L.O’Brien, who actually served with 5th Field Ambulance in FRANCE in WW 1 and who had also served with the AMC somewhere in WW 2, I cannot recall where, and, who stayed on in the Interim Army about 1953.

17. In 1950, because of the increased administration of CMF Units, an ARA Adjt. was added to the establishment and Major Harold Farthing (ex 2/1 AGH GAZA) was posted but did not stay long, Capt. John de Witt took up the Adjutant’s appointment in Sept. 1951 on completion of the first NS Intake from 19 NS Trg Bn and within 6 months the strength of the Unit was over 250 with a full compliment of officers with some supernumerary.

18. In Nov 1951 the ARA Cadre raised 1st Field Dressing Station with Major Ritchie appointed OC, Capt. Timbs was Adjutant (CMF) with a few of 5 Field Ambulance NCO’s with a NS Intake and they went off to Annual Camp in Feb 1952 as Medical support to Cadet Brigade.  At this camp a number of Cadets were killed and injured after “bouncing” an UXB (a 37 mm round) on a tent floor. One of the original Medical Officers of 1 FDS was Fred Grace who has recently retired as Hon. Colonel.

19. Major (now Lt.Col.) David Rothfield later commanded 1 FDS and this Unit featured in the great flood of Singleton in 1955 and the Carrowbrook disaster of 1956. It was at this camp that John de Witt had the AAF A22’s signed for Ross Brown and Warwick Wilkinson who were driving jeeps for the SUR although they were qualified Pharmacists. (Privates one day and Lieutenants the next. Both of them have stayed on in the Reserves in various postings and have reached the rank of Lt.Col. and Colonel respectively.)

20. In the middle of June 1952 the ARA Cadre raised 1 General Hospital which  initially was to be a Supplementary Reserve unit within Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and commanded by Colonel Edgar Thompson, the Superintendent of RPA ex 2/6 AGH.

21. Because of the large intakes of NS personnel posted to the RAAMC this unit was changed to be a full CMF Unit on the ORBAT.

The Cadre of 5 Field Ambulance was the only Cadre I know of that administered 3 CMF Units with strengths of some 250 plus for 5 Field Ambulance, 180 or so for 1 FDS and 110 for 1 Gen. Hosp. Later, in 1954, Cadres were allotted to 1 FDS and 1 Gen.Hosp.

22. It could be said that 5 Field Ambulance and 1 FDS have really been the nursery of the RAAMC A Reserve since the war. Although 1 Field Ambulance and 8 Field Ambulance had produced some fine Officers it was because of their country affiliation which did not allow for some of the senior postings to be filled in the City—this can easily be seen when you look at the long serving and senior people of the Corps, nearly all had their beginnings in 5 Field Ambulance or 1 FDS.

23. The changes of location of 5 Field Ambulance – raised in “P” Block Victoria Barracks 1948 then moved to the Sig.Trg.Depot in Moore Park in Nov. 1951. Moved again to the old training Depot at the back of Vic. Barracks in 1958 or 1959 (and 1 FDS went to Addison Rd, Marrickville.)

After the PENTROPIC re-organisation in 1959 or 1960 it moved to Carrington Rd, Randwick (1 FDS was disbanded, 1 Field Ambulance left 1 Armoured Bde and moved from Homebush to Chatswood and 8 Field Ambulance (Newcastle) was disbanded. 1 Field Ambulance took over the 8 Field Ambulance Depots at Newcastle and West Maitland becoming an integrated City/Country Unit. Prior to this the RAAMC load was spread well in the CMF formation: i.e. 1 Field Ambulance with 1 Armd Bde, 5 Field Ambulance with 5 Inf Bde, 8 Field Ambulance with 14 Inf Bde, 1 FDS with 8 Inf Bde and 1 Gen Hosp with Cadet Bde.

24. In March 1965, the Unit, under the command of Lt.Col. R.K.Reid celebrated its 50th Anniversary with a Parade and Service. It was held on the site of the first camp at Queens Park, Waverley, NSW. Many of the original 5 Field Ambulance personnel attended this Parade.

25. I consider this re-org. down to and including when the Pentropic Division was “axed”, the RAAMC were holding a “short straw” on establishments especially with the VIETNAM WAR looming.

26. After this war concluded we had another re-org. “chaired” by Col. Dunstan and Brig. Bennett (later General CDFS) which made 5 Field Ambulance a “R” Unit and they were struck off the ORBAT.

27. The last Parade was held on the 9th March 1976 and commanded by Lt.Col. P.J. (Jim) McGrath. Capt.D.Cannon, who was 2 IC of 2 Prev.Med.Coy., was present at this Parade—the Unit “folded” in April 1976.

28. The list of C.O’s from 1948 to 1976 were:- R.WHERRETT 1948-1954, T.J.RITCHIE 1954-1957, R.D.ROTHFIELD 1957-1960, G.CLIFTON-SMITH 1960-1963, J.LAING 1963-1964, R.K.REID 1964-1966, I.H.E.DAWSON 1966-1969, B.N.PURSER 1969-1972, R.K.ATKINSON 1972-1974, P.J.McGRATH 1974-1976.

29. The Unit was re-raised on the 6th February 1989 by the “re-rolling” of 1 Gen.Hosp.—it was based at Carlow St., Crows Nest and the CO was Lt.Col. Derek Cannon. Other key personnel were Capt. Nick Read (Adjt), WO Bob Perry (RSM), Major Phil Yantsch (OC Med. Coy.), Major Stuart Jones (OC Admin), WO 2 Ray Borg (RQMS), WO 2 Fran Hamblin (Trg. WO), Major Trevor Barnes (Senior Nursing Officer).

30. The unit celebrated its return to ORBAT with a Dinner at North Sydney in July 1989, attended by the Commander of 2 Div., Maj.Gen. Keldie and many old Unit Members.

31. During Annual Camp in 1990 in the Hunter Valley, the unit celebrated its 75th Birthday on the 16th March (with cake and scant regard to “TURN-TO”).

32. Lt.Col. Suresh Badami OAM took over command on the 6 August 1992 following the retirement of Lt.Col. Derek Cannon.

33. Major (now Lt.Col.) Marie Doyle (Dec.)was appointed OC of the Medical Company on 1st July 1995. The Unit moved from Carlow St. in Sept. 1995 to Hills St., Banksmeadow and it was at this time that Base Administrative Support Battalions came into the picture and 5 Field Ambulance became part of 5 BASB and known as 5 BASB Med.Coy. (5 Field Ambulance RAAMC). Maj. Marie Doyle finished her appointment in December 1999.

34. Major Andrew Ellis was appointed OC in January 2000. 5 BASB has undergone a further NAME CHANGE to be now 5 CSSB (Combat Service Support Battalion). The Med.Coy. is now known as Health Company, 5 CSSB.

35. Capt.Michael Tyquin was appointed O.C. 5 CSSB, Health Company, on 1 July 2002.

36. A Centenary Parade was held on the 15th March 2015 at Queens Park, Waverley, Sydney. After the Parade a Centenary Luncheon was held at 5 CSSB Depot at 1 Hills Street, Baknsmeadow, Sydney. The entire proceedings are on DVD and the synopsis of the day is recorded in our Association's Newsletter- ANZAC Day Newsletter-AUTUMN Issue 2015.

37. In April 2015, 5 CSSB (including Health Company) moved from 1 Hills St, Banksmeadow to their new location at Mont St Quentin Lines, Holsworthy.

38. In JANUARY 2022, the Medical Corps was reorganised. It affected 5 CSSB which has now come under the command of 2 Health Service Battalion and the medical company is now called 1/5 Health Coy.

Compiled by Major John de Witt ED (Passed Away 12/8/2012) February 2002 & updated by Alan Curry OAM (Hon Sect) from 2012.

The O.C’s of the Health Company that followed CAP (now MAJ) Michael Tyquin (2002-2003) have been Major (now Lt.Col.) Darren Waterson (2004-2006 , Major Brian Malouf (2007-2009),Major Kym Henderson (2009-2011), MAJ David Czerkies (2012-2015), MAJ Jane Currie (2016-2018), MAJ Glenn Sisson (2019-2021). Currently, the OC of 1/5 Health Coy  (2022-) is MAJ Sarah WINTER .

The current Commanding Officer of 2 HSB is LTCOL Anna Reinhardt 

Alan Curry OAM (0427.82.4646)
Hon Sect 5 Fd. Amb. RAAMC Assn. (web site:


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